On November 9th (Shayne's B-day) we went to Aviation nation at Nellis Air Force Base. Since Alyssa is in the Air Force we were able to go with David and drive onto the base instead of having to be shuttled from the raceway with everyone else. (Thank GOD!!). We all had a great day. We were able to go inside a satellite plane for the military (way cool and not somewhere you want to be for very long if you do not like tight spaces). We were able to watch the F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22, P-52, C-17, Mig 21, C-130, Sky divers, Jet car and Mig race, The Netherlands Royal Air Force and also see the Thunderbirds. As you can see in the photos the grounds is wet (go figure, the one day you really want nice weather and it rained, and it only rains how often here in Las Vegas?). All in all the day was great. Loud VERY LOUD!!! The F-15 and F-22 are extremely loud and I do mean loud. I am so grateful Shayne and I had ear plugs.
On November 9th (Shayne's b-day) we went to Aviation Nation at Nellis Air Force Base. One of the Firemen at the flight line fire station let Shayne get inside one of the fire trucks and showed him how to work some of the controls. He was in heaven. The trucks are really cool and do not look anything like any fire truck I have ever seen.
Shayne and his friend Christopher. These two had a blast. They spent the night dancing in the isle and enjoying themselves. The best part was UNLV actually WON!!!
Shayne and his friends set up in our neighbors garage and scared the trick or treaters when they came up. They did a really good job too. You could hear the kids scream two doors down at our house. There were four of them in there.
Shayne in his costume. He plays three different kinds of drums. The snare drum, bass drum and the gong. He is really good. His costume is also kind of fitting. The concert was good.
On October 14th Shayne received his Star rank in Boy Scouts. He is well on his way to earning his Eagle. The next rank is Life and then Eagle. He also received 3 merit badges for Art, Genealogy and Citizen in the Nation. He has earned 25 merit badges since April 2007. Currently is the Senior Patrol Leader in the Troop also. We are really proud of him.
The boys from our troop at Mt. Potosi October 18th at the Camporee for Boy Scouts. The theme was survivorman. They learned how to make bug stew. They took 1st place in first aid, 2nd place in cooking and 3rd place overall. The boys (and dads) had a great time. I know Shayne did.