On January 9th, 2009 Alyssa deployed to Iraq from McCarren Airport here in Las Vegas. She flew to Virginia were she stayed for two days. Then it was on to Ireland by way of contracted airliner and then on to Qatar. She was able to enjoy a normal airplane seat all the way. David heard from her by e-mail the evening of the 12th. She was waiting to fly to Baghdad sometime in the next day or so. We are praying for her safety and those that went with her everyday. We miss her already. She is the daughter Keith and I never had and we are very proud of her. She is also the best thing to happen to David. They are great together. David is hoping to hear from her soon once she reaches Baghdad.
Shayne plays the drums in the school band. At his school concert on 1-8-09 he played three different types of drums in three different songs. We were very impressed with his ability (but I am biased as I am the mom). I did not know he could play as well as he can.
Shayne at the Basketball Hoop Shoot put on by the Elks Lodge. Shayne took first place in the qualifying round at our Elks lodge. Then it was on the local shoot off. He placed third.
Christmas morning David and Alyssa came over to open presents with us. After opening gifts we had breakfast and then watched movies until dinner time. We had a good day. It was nice to spend time together as a family.